Urban Runoff: Model Ordinances for Post Construction Controls
The main goal of the model post-construction stormwater management ordinance for new development and redevelopment is to limit surface runoff volumes and reduce water runoff pollution loadings. The ordinance could include what nonstructural and structural stormwater practices are allowed within the community. Communities may also wish to add language regarding on-site stormwater requirements and whether off-site treatment is an option. The following example ordinances include language dealing with each of the issues above and communities should examine each ordinance for the language that is appropriate for their stormwater program.
- Model Post-Construction Stormwater Runoff Control Ordinance (pdf) (219.96 KB)
- Grand Traverse County, Michigan Soil Erosion and Stormwater Runoff Control Ordinance (pdf) (66.62 KB)
This ordinance addresses both construction and post-construction runoff control and maintenance easements for stormwater facilities.
- City of Seattle Stormwater, Grading and Drainage Control Code (pdf) (192.52 KB)
A comprehensive ordinance that deals with many of the issues of stormwater management, including language on administration and enforcement considerations.
- St. Johns River Water Management District, Florida—Environmental Resource Permits (pdf) (103.35 KB)
Regulation of Stormwater Management Systems A good example of a regional approach to stormwater management in a state where development pressures are extremely intense.
- City of Santa Monica, California Municipal Code of Ordinances—Urban Runoff Pollution (pdf) (63.02 KB)
This ordinance iincludes language on non-structural BMP requirements such as pollution prevention programs and good housekeeping practices.
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