UPDATE (3 p.m. Aug. 9, 2021): Effective Aug. 9, 2021, the Florida Board of Governors and Florida State University expect masks to be worn by all individuals in all FSU facilities. This includes all students, faculty, staff, vendors and visitors. Recent studies and guidance from the CDC state that both unvaccinated and vaccinated individuals can transmit the COVID-19 variant to unvaccinated persons. We expect you to help mitigate the spread by wearing a mask. Thank you! #StayHealthyFSU
The following message to all faculty and staff has been approved by Sally McRorie, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Kyle Clark, Vice President for Finance & Administration.
Dear Faculty and Staff,
As we continue to see a significant increase in positive COVID-19 cases locally and across the nation, we understand there is concern among the campus community as the fall semester approaches. We’d like to take this opportunity to clarify policies and expectations. With no new policy changes from the Florida Department of Health or SUS Board of Governors, FSU’s reopening plans are in alignment with public universities statewide.
While our authority is limited by the State of Florida and the university cannot mandate vaccines, testing or mask wearing, we do promote these mitigation efforts. We encourage all students, faculty and staff to get the COVID-19 vaccine if they haven’t done so already. We also recommend wearing masks indoors, especially in situations where there are large gatherings that make social distancing difficult. And of course, anyone who is feeling ill or suspects they may have been exposed to COVID-19 should be tested.
As employees return to in-person work on Aug. 2 and students and faculty begin arriving on campus in preparation for the start of the fall semester, FSU has many resources available to support the health and safety of the campus community.
COVID-19 testing is available for all FSU students, faculty and staff at the upper concourse of the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. The testing site is open from 1 to 5 p.m. through Friday, July 30. Beginning Monday, Aug. 2, the testing site is open daily, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1 – 5 p.m. Schedule an appointment at https://uhs.fsu.edu/coronavirus/testing.
FSU encourages all students, faculty and staff testing off-campus to self-report all positive COVID test results to FSU for timeliness of response and follow-up testing at FSU’s test center if necessary. Students, faculty and staff can use the Daily Wellness Check at my.fsu.edu or MyFSU app to submit their information confidentially. They can also report via email by submitting their information to COVID19@fsu.edu.
COVID-19 vaccines are available to all FSU students, faculty and staff at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center at no cost. No appointments are necessary for vaccination. Visit vaccine.fsu.edu for walk-in clinic dates and hours.
Procurement and Building Services has PPE, cleaning products and other COVID-related supplies available for distribution. A limited number of supplies are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Additional supplies will need to be sourced. For more information, please contact procurement directly to discuss your needs.
Let’s continue to encourage everyone to do their part to protect themselves and each other, while adhering to the guidelines outlined by the State of Florida and the Florida Board of Governors. Together, we can slow the spread of the virus and help keep our campus fully operational this semester.
Sally McRorie
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Kyle Clark
Vice President for Finance & Administration