Overview of monetary policy and markets

Our main aim at the ECB is price stability. We serve people living in the euro area by working to preserve the value of the euro. In this section you can learn about our policy strategy, the tools we use and the impact they have on your day-to-day life.

We also follow the financial markets. This gives us information for our core task of keeping prices stable, which contributes to economic growth.

Monetary policy decisions

We take decisions on monetary policy every six weeks – determining what should be done to keep inflation at our 2% target. Right after the decisions are taken, the President and Vice-President explain them in detail in a press conference.

Monetary policy statement

We take decisions on monetary policy every six weeks – determining what should be done to keep inflation under control. Our visual statement explains this in short and easy-to-understand language.

Tools and policy measures

Our monetary policy influences how much you have to pay to borrow and how much interest you receive on your savings. We steer interest rates with the aim of achieving price stability in the euro area. Find out how our tools and measures work.

Monetary operations

In addition to setting key interest rates, we also conduct open market operations. Check out the latest information on these operations.


When banks borrow from us, they have to provide adequate collateral as a security. Want to know which collateral we accept? Looking for statistics on the collateral we have received?